(Re)Branding Feminism
1-2 March 2011
at IGRS, 32 Russell Square London WC1B 5DN
Day 1
9-9.30 Registration & Coffee
9.30-9.45 Welcome - Elisha & Jean
9.45-10.30 Keynote - 'What is a brand, what makes it "work" and what does it matter?' - Alison Camps
Chair: Elisha Foust
10.30-10.45 Break
10.45-11.45 First Panel: Intergenerational Feminism
'Reclaiming not rebranding' - Catherine Redfern
'Of Feminism Born' - Jean Owen
Chair: Christine Guilfoyle
11.45-12.45 Second Panel: Performance of Femininity
'Naked but in High Heels' - Judith Rifeser
'The Day of the Girl: A genealogy of pin-up in the nineteenth century' - Elena Lipsos
Chair: TBA
12.45-2.00 Lunch (own arrangements)
2.00-3.00 Performance/ papers: Woman as Saleable
'Domesticating Feminism' - Catherine Maffioletti
'Everyone else is selling women, why doesn't feminism?' - Elisha Foust
Chair: TBA
3.00-4.00 Workshop: 'Frozen: Botox and the Quest for Immortality' - Michele de Leon
4.00-4.30 Break: Tea & Coffee
4.30-5.30 Third Panel: Feminism and the Arts
'Feminism in the Twenty-First Century: Elizabeth Badinter and the Tyranny of the Child' - Julie Rodgers
'Birthing the Lesbian in Iberia: The Films of Marta Belletbo-Coll' - Monica Varese
Chair: TBA
6.00-8.00 Consciousness-raising: 'Reviving Consciousness Raising in the Feminist Movement' - Chitra Nagarajan and Amy Waters
Day 2
9.30-9.50 Performance: 'A Methodology of Locks' - P.A. Skantze, Ella Finer and Emily Orley
9.50-11.20 Forth Panel: Making Waves
'Branding Feminism in Turkey' - Aytu Cakici
'The Female Writers and Language Use: A Womanist and Socio-Cultural Exporation of Ama
Ata Aidoo's The Dilemma of a Ghost and Liz Lockhead's Educating Agnes' - Oludolapo Ojediran
Ata Aidoo's The Dilemma of a Ghost and Liz Lockhead's Educating Agnes' - Oludolapo Ojediran
'I'm not a feminist but . . . : Negotiating feminism, gender and sexuality in contemporary Britain' -
Rebecca Wray
Rebecca Wray
Chair: Jean Owen
11.20-11.40 Break: Tea & Coffee
11.40-12.40 Fifth Panel: Hannah Arendt
'Feminism and Republicanism' - Coromoto Power Febres
'Unsexing the feminist debate with Hannah Arendt' - Lilith C. Dornhuber deBellesiles
Chair: TBA
12.40-2.00 Lunch (own arrangements)
2.00-3.00 Workshop: Reflections: Where are we now?
Hosts: Elisha Foust and Jean Owen
3.00-4.00 Keynote: Nina Power
Chair: Elisha Foust
4.00-4.15 Break: Tea & Coffee
4.15-4.45 Performance & Discussion: 'A Methodology of Locks' - P.A. Skantze, Ella Finer and Emily Orley
Chair: TBA
4.45-5.45 Sixth Panel: Divine Rights of Women (Religion/ Spirituality)
'The Erosion of the Role of the Feminine in the Divine' - Fari Bradley
'(Re)marking God: The Mark of Feminist Intersectionalities' - Jane Mummery & Marnie Nolton
6.00-7.00 Keynote: 'Where are we now - now?' - Naomi Segal
Chair: Jean Owen
7.00-? Pubtalk: Feminism is bollocks
Chair: TBA